Add a featured posts section
Create a featured posts block using the usePost hook.
Create a block
import { usePost } from "@reflexjs/gatsby-theme-post"export const FeaturedPosts = () => {// This will return an array of all featured posts.const featuredPosts = usePost({ featured: true })}
Render the posts in a list
import { usePost } from "@reflexjs/gatsby-theme-post"export const FeaturedPosts = () => {const featuredPosts = usePost({ featured: true })return featuredPosts? => <A href={post.slug}>{post.title}</A>): null}
Place block on page
---title: Welcome to Reflexexcerpt: Description for this page. This is mostly used for the description meta tag.---<Block src="featured-posts" />
Make block configurable
Let's add a limit props to the block so that we can set how many featured posts to show.
import { usePost } from "@reflexjs/gatsby-theme-post"export const FeaturedPosts = ({ limit = 5 }) => {const featuredPosts = usePost({ featured: true })return featuredPosts? featuredPosts.slice(0, limit).map((post) => <A href={post.slug}>{post.title}</A>): null}
---title: Welcome to Reflexexcerpt: Description for this page. This is mostly used for the description meta tag.---<Block src="featured-posts" limit="3" />